Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Network Bastards


.......To say my fantasies have gone downhill in my old age is an undersatement. Nowadays a daysdream consists of kicking the crap out of the obnoxious teen who floods my wireless network. He's a bastard, but I call him a Noid because thats about how annoying he is. He repeatedly bombards my 802.11 g network with ip requests, flooding and eventually failing the network. He is obnoxious and irritating, but at least I know he exists. I finally ironed out the other bugs with some firmware updates (who knew linksys had incompatible problems with its own products? only linksys apparently). WEP security is a problem simply because who wants to 'maintain' the protocols by sending out new keys every week? The other alternative is to just stop broadcasting the network name, (SSID) a temporary solution at best.
........2hotspot came up with an interesting answer. With their software I set up my wireless router as a 'hotspot' and required people to log in. Think of it as a Starbucks hotspot for your house. Pretty badass for me let alne the average non corporate coffee house.
........Finally, I've decided, my next computer will be an Apple. Since they have boldy bridged the gap between gaming and themselves I feel its only a matter of time before I find a laptop with enough graphical horsepower to satistfy my needs, Command shell ease, and, lets face it.... eye candy.

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