Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Given that I only played through it once last year, I sought to reinject myself with some good old fashioned Sam Fisher Fury until THIS was released: I reinstalled my copy of Splinter cell: Chaos Theory. BOY was that a mistake, as a matter of fact- the sucker crashed my computer. Though the game itself ran (note to Ubisoft my copy didn't come with a single player key regardless of WHAT you say), slowly but surely, all other programs STOPPED working, the system began to lurch. Programs would barely run, and installs froze. Everything kept hanging- then this morning POW the sucker wont even start up. In essence, I cant play my own copy of this game- Ive wasted $30. Its official- Starforce sucks.

This game was also responsible for destroying my DVD burner, but that neither here nor there.

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